the valkyrie discoloured, taken deference, experiential discolour lucid disclaim, thrived goosey the lecher strikes armatis cogitated steel spike structures,bedrooms with the insinuated, the dismembered rapeeand anesthesia prosmile; meatiness, it serrates, true,but it declassifies, p0rnal1zes, maizes, pity instead the silent block,absorbed into the freakia of the godotlife cups.the warrantless family scene with meat, presents, jibes from kid to dad, pledged quirks and desired disunities(feedings discoloured, the offensive dutifulness); associative saccharine sociopathy; paid post (o lucid, anestheskin the devotee, toof _uck’ing lucky…) the discoloured absorptive incubates and arises.a sodden missive is reweighed in the indefensible glottis
þriðjudagur, 5. júní 2007
Z28 - typeFace Off
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